calfsol powder

Calfsol Powder

For Better Growth and Support Reproductive System for Early Puberty of Calf

CALFSOL is a supplement for cattle that contains organic herbs that serves as an excellent source of nutrition & Omega-3,6 Fatty Acids. Supplementing CALFSOL in the diet provides extra calories without increasing grain intake, therefore providing a better alternative for cattle that need to gain weight. This formula works to support increased weight gain and overall growth of livestock animals

calfsol powder
  • The product promotes rapid growth for early puberty and overall good health.
  • It supports bone health and muscle growth while improving the digestion of fiber.
  • It is also beneficial in the development of the rumen and allows for easy transport of nutrients across cell membranes.
  • It promotes the synthesis of microbial protein and enhances immunity.

Calcium Gluconate, Bypass Protein, Yeast Extract, Prebiotics, Barley, Lupins, Canola, Tritical, Fortified Vitamin A, Vitamin D , 3 Vitamin E, Choline, Pyridoxine, Riboflavins, Niacin with fatty acid, Linolenic acid, Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids.

50 gm once or twice a day orally between 3-18 months of age
In Calf Feed:- 3% properly mixed with calf feed or as directed by Veterinary Consultant.

300 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg & 5 kg