calsan-cs liquid

Calsan-cs Liquid

Clear Calcium Solution with Phosphorus and Vitamins toStrengthen Bones and Egg Production

CALSAN-CS is a clear combination of Calcium, Phosphorus & Vitamin D solution to maintain 3 higher calcium level in body, optimize egg production and performance of birds. It is also helpful in improving energy level, strengthen bones & joints. It also increases FCR, Fertility & hatchability. It helps to increase the strength of eggshells and the skeleton.

calsan-cs liquid
  • Builds strong bones and increase body weight.
  • Promote better egg yield, quality and feather quality.
  • Keeps free from risk of stress and anxiety.
  • Helps in improving productivity and performance.
  • Helps to improve bones and Joints health.
  • Helps to improve the quality of egg shell.
  • Reduce risk of mortality rate.

Each 5 ml Contains

Calcium Gluconate 416.5 mg
Calcium Hypophosphite 125 mg
Vitamin D3 800 I.U.
Heamitic herbal conc. 250 mg
Ferric Ammonium Citrate 83.5 mg
Vitamin B12 8.35 mcg
Base q.s.


For Each 100 birds:
Chicks : 10 ml daily
Growers & Broilers : 20 ml daily
Layers and Breeders : 50 ml daily
or as per direction of veterinarian/ poultry consultant.

1 Kg & 5 Kg