coolsan liquid winter

Coolsan Liquid Winter

Excellent Solution for the Cold and Chilling Stress

COOLSAN (winter) is an excellent solution for the cold and chilling stress in birds. It helps to reduce risk of mortality rate. It help to reduce the cold shock and also provide the strength and tolerance. It is healthy and safe product for all age of birds to for cold stress. It helps to improve immunity, nutrient absorption, growth and provide adequate water facilities.

coolsan liquid winter
  • Provide adequate water facilities.
  • Provide high energy to beat cold.
  • Helpful during cold stress and oxidative stress.
  • Helps to improve immunity and reduce risk of mortality rate.
  • Helps to promote optimum growth and performance.

Emblica officinalis

Chicks : 5-10 ml/100birds
Broiler :10-15 ml/100birds
Layer/Breeder : 15-20 ml/100birds
Swine: 1 Ltr in 1000 ltr of drinking water
or as per direction of Veterinary Consultant.

1Ltr & 5 Ltr