fatsan powder

Fatsan Powder

For The Better Production of Fat, SNF, Milk Yield and Overall Health

FATSAN is specifically researched & made exclusively for increasing milk, SNF and fat percentage in dairy cattle. It helps to increase milk fat production and protein, better profitability by increasing milk. It helps in improving rumen fermentation, maintains rumen pH, improves rumination and improve body score (BCS). It also helps to improve overall health, immunity and bring the animal in heat & reduce metabolic acidosis in livestock.

fatsan powder
  • The product improves both the SNF (solid-notfat) and fat percentages in milk, leading to an increase in milk yield.
  • It also helps to reduce the risk of ketosis and improves milk quality and production.
  • It improves the body condition score of the animal and is a high source of energy.

By pass proteins, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Lauric Acids, Linolic Acids, Palmitic Acids, Phytogenic Biomolecules, Fatty Acyl Amides, Dried Calcium Salts, Canola and Minerals in Concentrate.

Large Animals: 100-200 gm daily orally
In Feed: 3%, properly mixed with feed
or as directed by Veterinary Consultant.

1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg & 25 kg