livsan gold liquid & powder

Livsan Gold Liquid & Powder

Liver Supplement for Performance Enhancer

LIVSAN Herbal-Liver is a special product designed for helping the proper functions of Liver likemetabolism, detoxification, secretion & productivity and thereby most efficient digestion, absorption and metabolisation of nutrients. Act as hepatoprotective and hepatoregenerative. It maintains digestion, keeps birds healthy and protect from early deaths. It provides a complete tonic fortified with amino acids, vitamin, minerals and Hepatotropic phytogenic concentrate to nourish liver and immune system. It also protect from the liver against toxic effects.

livsan gold liquid & powder
  • Effective in fatty liver syndrome.
  • Birds become very healthy and active.
  • Stimulates regeneration of hepatic cells. Improves overall liver function.
  • Improves production and hatchability. Improving FCR, promoting growth, weight gain and production.

Each Ltr/kg Contains:

Sorbitol 35000 mg
Choline Chloride 60000 mg
Betaine HCl 30000 mg
Methionine 18250 mg
Sodium Chloride 20000 mg
Magnesium Chloride 50000 mg
Vitamin PP 2000 mg
Inositol 10000 mg
Glucosamine 40000 mg
Silymarine 20000 mg
Carnitine 90000 mg
L-Aspartic Acid 10000 mg
L-Glutamic Acid 5000 mg
L-Glycine 5000 mg
Boldine, Cynarin from Boldo & Artichoke plant 12000 mg
Water (Liquid) up to 1 Ltr
Base (Powder) up to 1 kg


Broilers & Layer : 5-10 ml/100 birds
Breeder : 10-15 ml/100 birds
Layer/Broiler :
500-1kg/MT of feed
Breeder : 1-2 kg/MT of feed
or as per direction of Veterinarian/ Poultry Consultant.

Liquid : 1 ml, 5 Ltr & 24 Ltr
Powder : 1 Kg, 5 Kg & 25 Kg