livsol-100 powder

Livsol-100 Powder

Powerful Hepatic Stimulant

LIVSOL-100 is a potent live supplement which is used as a veterinary liver tonic. It is useful in cases of sluggish liver functions and fatty liver. It aid as Hepatostimulant, Hepatogenerative & Hepatoprotective, helps in boost up the Liver and optimizes hepatic functions. It improves feed metabolism and its utilization, which results in better feed conversion, growth and productivity. It widely assists the liver, master gland and promotes functions like detoxification, bile synthesis, protein synthesis and fat metabolism. It is a powerful antioxidants, aids digestion and metabolism, boost energy & overall health.

livsol-100 powder
  • Helps to enhance growth, weight gain, FCR and livability.
  • Helps to enhance liver metabolism and reduce the risk of toxins.
  • Helps to maintain proper feed intake and absorption of nutrients.
  • Helps to improve liver secretions for better digestion and boost liver function.
  • Enhanced flock immunity, improve growth, FCR, fertility and hatchability

Active phytogenic component from:
Solanum nigrum
Tephrosia purpurea
Terminalia arjuna
Picrorhiza kurroa
Eclipta alba
Ferula asafoetida
Sensory additives

Active bioflavonoids from:
Fumaria officinalis
Cichorium intybus
Andrographis paniculata
Terminalia chebula
Pimpinella anisum
Emblica officinalis
Swertia chirata
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Boerhaavia diffusa 

Broilers/Layers : 250 gm per MT of prepared feed
Breeder : 400-500 gm per MT of prepared feed
or as per direction of Veterinarian/ Poultry Consultant.

1 Kg and 20 Kg