sanworm tick soap

Sanworm Tick Soap

Antiparasitic Medicated Soap Effective Against Ticks and Fleas

CAUTION: Avoid contact with eyes, lids, or mucous membranes in case soap getting into the eye rinse with an excess water. Wash hands after use. Do not smoke while using the products, do not use on cats.

WARNING : This formulation contains permethrin. It may be poisonous if swallowed, keep the material out of reach of children and well away from foodstuffs, animal feed, and food containers.

sanworm tick soap
  • Effective against ticks, mites, lice and fleas.
  • Help to avoid protozoal related issues due to tick load.
  • Helps to control parasites and ticks.
  • Helps to prevent fungal infections and wounds.
  • Helps to reduce risk of itching, swelling, and redness caused by mites.
Permethrin BP 8.0% w/w
Gamma Benzene Hexachloride IP 0.1% w/w
Cetrimide IP 1.0% w/w
Vitamin-E Acetate IP 0.2% w/w
Aloe vera 0.5% w/w
Soap Noodles Eucalyptus Oil q.s.
Approved colour used q.s.


Sanworm Tick Soap to make a rich lather, leave for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water or as directed by the Veterinarian. For best result wet the affected parts and wash with warm water.