toxsol liquid & powder

Toxsol Liquid & Powder

Toxin Binder for Poultry

TOXSOL is a toxin binder supplement for poultry which helps in binding the toxin present in the field. It contains MOS, HSCAS, BHA, Activated Charcoal and other organic acids enriched with herbs. It improves the poultry feed quality, liver functions and maintains digestive system.It improves Feed Conversion Ratio, immunity and egg production. It protects the body from micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses & fungus. It strengthens intestinal system and it's functioning, shows detoxification of various toxicities and supports optimal growth & performance.

toxsol liquid & powder
  • Eliminates Toxicity from the body through various excretory mechanisms.
  • Stimulates the Liver for Better Digestion and 
  • Absorption of Feed Nutrition.
  • Inhibits growth of mould & mycotoxin production.
  • Improves Feed Conversion Ratio, weight gain & egg production.
  • Helps in altered immune system.
  • Promotes growth, digestion, and performance.
  • Reduces the rate of mortality

Each kg contains:

EDTA 5 gm
Activated Charcoal 10 gm
M.O.S. 50 gm
Benzoic Acid 20 gm
Acetic Acid 20 gm
Propionic Acid 20 gm
Citric Acid 40 gm
B.H.A. 05 gm
Sodium Aluminosilicate q.s. upto Kg


Poultry : Mix 1 kg- 1.5 Kg per MT of feed. (Depending on moisture conditions)

Broilers & Layer : 10 ml/100 birds
Breeder : 15-20 ml/100 birds
Or as per direction of Veterinarian/ Poultry Consultant

POWDER : 1 Kg & 25 Kg Paper Bag
LIQUID : 1 Liter Bottle & 5 Liter Jar