tympasol liquid

Tympasol Liquid

Anti-Bloat Preparation For Gaseous or Frothy Bloat & Tympany

TYMPASOL is organic formulation that act as an aid in the issues of frothy bloat in cattle & other livestock animals. It is broadly acknowledged for its excellent results in reducing the risk of Bloat. Bloat is caused by a number of different factors, but the end result is retention of excess gas in the rumen. In bloat, gas is retained because rumen contents contain much foam which inhibits eructation of the gas. This supplement is formulated by our dexterous professionals in conformity with the defined industry standards using the best grade formulation under the favourable conditions. TYMPASOL releases gas from the stomach, reduces the risk of tympani, bloat and constipation.

tympasol liquid

Gaseous & frothy bloat / Tympani

Each 100 ml Contains:

Trachyspermum ammi 10 gm
Coriandrum Sativum 10 gm
Terminalia chebula 8 gm
Foeniculum vulgare 6 gm
Asafoetida narthus 1 gm
Aqueous base q.s.


Cow, Buffalo & Horse: 50 ml twice daily
Sheep & Goat: 20 ml twice daily
Or as directed by Veterinary Consultant

100 ml, 500 ml & 1 Litre