alphavit-c liquid & powder

Alphavit-c Liquid & Powder

Natural Replacement To Synthetic Vitamin C Fortified With Bioflavonoids

ALPHAVIT-C is natural replacer to synthetic vitamin C fortified with bioflavonoids which helps in scavenging oxygen free radicals, improves optimum cell synthesis, delayed ageing process and enhances shelf life. It helps in strengthening body muscles, connective tissues and improves immunity. It also improves growth, egg production & hatchability. It helps to improve feed efficiency, egg weight, shell quality and livability during heat stress

alphavit-c liquid & powder
  • Helps in scavenging oxygen free radicals and improves optimum cell synthesis.
  • Reduces mortality caused due to heat strokes, maintain health & livability.
  • Modulation of immunity and inflammatory cell functions.
  • Enhances fertility, hatchability and growth.
  • Protect from inflammation, pain & microbial related issues.

Sensory Additives:
Flavoring compounds:
Active bio flavonoides from :
Citrus limon
Psidium guajava
Emblica officinalis
Citrus sinensis
Carica papaya 

Broiler & Layer: 150 gms per MT of feed
Breeder: 200 gms per MT of feed

Broiler & Layer: 5-10 ml per 100 birds
Breeder: 15 ml per 100 birds
or as per direction of Veterinarian/ poultry Consultant.

Powder : 1 kg & 20 kg bag
Liquid : 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr & 30 Ltr