livsol 100 liquid

Livsol 100 Liquid

Powerful Hepatic Stimulant

LIVSOL 100 is an liver supplement which is used as a veterinary liver tonic. This formulation is a blended mixture of natural Liver Extracts, along with organic liver stimulating mineral fortified which is a major vitamin for a better liver function. It is the best Animal Feed Supplement For Liver Problems Where symptoms like indigestion, vomiting, eating of inanimate objects, stomachache, etc. It is useful in cases of sluggish liver functions and fatty liver and as a supportive treatment for toxic liver damage. It also helps in reducing the risk such as indigestion, constipation, flatulence, and also in general detoxification of the system.

livsol 100 liquid
  • This product aids in the speedy recuperation of impaired liver cells and revitalizes the liver.
  • It encourages detoxification of the liver and enhances the appetite.
  • It also helps in the improved assimilation of nutrients and boosts the FCR.

Each 100 ml contains
aqueous extract of the following herbs:

Carduus marianus 1 gm
Tephrosia purpurea 5 gm
Cichorium intybus 3 gm
Picrorrhiza kurroa 1 gm
Phyllanthus niruri 3 gm
Eclipta alba 3 gm
Boerhaavia diffusa 4 gm
Andrographis paniculata 4 gm
Solanum nigrum 3 gm
Terminalia chebula 3 gm

Amino Acids (Protected)

DL - Methonine 1 gm
L - Lysine 1 gm
Betaine 1 gm
Biotin 0.1 gm
Silymarin 1 gm
Choline Chloride 1 gm
Liver fraction 525 mg


To be Administered orally, once a twice a day
Cow, Buffalo & Horses: 25-35 ml,
Heifer & Calf: 15-20 ml,
Sheep, Goat: 7-10 ml,
or as directed by Veterinary Consultant.

250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr