mastisol spray

Mastisol Spray

A Topical Herbal Spray for Mastitis

MASTISOL SPRAYis a sustainable remedial product of herbal combinations having complementary effects in livestock conditioning. The active phytocompounds in MASTISOL SPRAY have an immune - potentiating effect to enhance udder immunity and also helps in the rapid recovery of mammary glands related issues. It helps in reducing the risk of inflammation of udder and minimizing oxidative stress systemically

mastisol spray
  • During acute & sub clinical mastitis.
  • Softening of hardened udder tissues.
  • Healing of cracked teats.
  • Reducing the inflammation of udder.
  • Regulate physiological of udder mammary glands.

Each 10 ml. Contains:

Curcuma longa 1.0 ml
Pinuslongifolia 1.0 ml
Carumcopticum 1.0 ml
Ocimum sanctum 0.5 ml
Syzgiumaromaticum 0.2 ml
Cinnamomum camphora 0.1 ml
Base q.s.


Clean the affected part of udder & apply Mastisol sufficient quantity. Apply 2-4 times daily until affected part is healed.