microsol liquid

Microsol Liquid

Effective Water Purifier and Microbes Free Preparation

MICROSOL liquid is an effective preparation for better water quality management and ensures good hygiene in farms & hatcheries thereby leading to higher productivity. It helps in reducing total microbes count and pathogen load from water based systems. It potent detoxifier, maintain overall health, growth and performance of growing and adult birds. It supports safe environment and reduces environment pollution.

microsol liquid
  • Promotes gut vitality and integrity.
  • Restores normal gut flora conditions.
  • Helps to reduce risk of pathogen load.
  • Help to keep water microbe free and maintain hygiene.
  • Helps to maintain quality of farm and environment.

C12/C16 Alkyl dimethyl
Ammonium Chloride
Aqueous base

5ml-10 ml / Ltr of water per 100 sq. feet area
Shed Surface Sanitization : 5ml/Ltr of water Vehicle/ Equipment/ Utensils Cleaning: 2ml/Ltr of water
Hand or Personnel Sanitation : 2ml/Ltr of water
Egg Wash/ Cleaning : 5ml/10 Ltr of water
or as per direction of Veterinarian/ Poultry Consultant.

500 ml, 1 ltr & 5 Ltr