utrosol liquid

Utrosol Liquid

Herbal Tonic for easy expulsion of Retained placenta

UTROSOL is an Ecbolic & Veterinary Uterine Tonic for Cattle, Cows, Buffalo, and other Livestock Animals. It's Combination of Herbal Extract. It's an ideal Cattle Feed Supplement for Animals. Keeps your animals healthy, fit and productive. UTROSOL Tonic helps in removal of placenta and revival of uterus. Enhances uterine contractions leading to complete removal of placenta and uterine debris just after calving. Restores uterine lining & mass, reduces the risk of infection and inflammation.

utrosol liquid
  • Assists with the expelling of the placenta.
  • Reduces the likelihood of metritis and other uterusrelated ailments.
  • Aids in the cleansing of the uterus for improved conception, post placenta expulsion.
  • Tones the uterus.

Each 5 ml Contains:

Zinc chelated 400 mg
Copper chelated 300 mg
Iron 500 mg
Cobalt chelated 200 mg
Jivanti 500 mg
Shatavari 500 mg
Citrullus colocynthis 250 mg
Aristolochia indica 250 mg
Cedrus deodara 150 mg
Dashmol 100 mg
Syzygium cumini 40 mg
Asparagus racemosus 40 mg
Withania somnifera 40 mg
Symplocos racemosa 20 mg
Terminalia chebula 20 mg
Terminalia bellerica 20 mg
Phyllanthus emblica 20 mg
Phyllanthus niruri 15 mg
Glycyrrhiza glabra 15 mg
Azadirachta indica 15 mg
Ceiba pentandra 10 mg
Sida cordifolia 10 mg
Hemidesmus indicus 10 mg
Hibiscus rosasinesis 10 mg
Acacia catechuoides 10 mg
Holarrhena antidysentrica 5 mg
Embelia ribes 5 mg
Tinospora cordifolia 5 mg
Syrupy base q.s.


250-500 ml orally instantly after parturition for removing to placenta and repeat after 3 hours for the same. Any other uterine related issues 150 ml/per orally day or as directed by veterinary consultant.

500 ml & 1 Ltr