woondy san spray

Woondy San Spray

Herbal Wound Healing and Fly Repellent Spray

WOONDY SAN is one of the safest and effective herbal spray to keep fly repellent and wound healing for cattle. It supports and strengthen skin & body coat of target species, thus support optimal growth and performance. It promotes new cells formation, improve skin cells life span, stimulate blood circulation and wound healing process naturally. It helps in protecting from inflammation and pain. It keeps body coat free from risk of parasitic infections, reduces stress and support growth and performance.

woondy san spray
  • Assist in the speedy healing of wounds.
  • Prevent infestation by flies and maggots.
  • Provide a soothing and moisturizing effect on the skin.
  • Protect from parasitic and microbial contamination.
  • Effective in the management of FMD.

Each 100 ml contain

Ocimum sanctum (lf. Oil) 2.5 ml
Curcuma longa (Rz. Oil) 2.5 ml
Pinus longifolia (lf. Oil) 13 ml
Azadirachta indica (lf. Oil) 12 ml
Pongamia pinnata (Sd. Oil) 14.5 ml
Base q.s.


Clean the affected part with antiseptic solution and then spray/apply the Woondy San gently. The process is repeated till the affected part is healed.

100 ml & 500 ml